I had a great childhood. My parents modeled a genuine love for Christ which made me want to know him,too. When I was 6 I trusted Christ as my
Savior. But things changed when I was angry at my parents choice to move again the end of my 7th grade year. My relationship with my parents and God downspiraled. I started making bad choices and that continued after highschool. After 3 weeks of college I found out I was pregnant! I drove home to tell them-hardest thing ever! My parents reaction is one I will never forget. Did they yell at me and say "How could you embarrass the family like this?" Or "What are people at church going to say?" Did they ridicule me and make me feel like a failure? Surprisingly, No! My dad wrapped his arms around me and led me to the foot of their bed, placed his hand on my stomach and prayed for my unborn child. I felt such unconditional love and acceptance. As my dad prayed I felt that same unconditional love from God saying "Come back to me" and envisioned His welcoming arms extended toward me. I rededicated my life to living for Christ that day. It's definitely been a process but God has been so good to me-giving me an amazing husband and joy in mothering.